Homework: Homework problems will be assigned
once a week. Solutions will be posted on Monday of the following week.
Quizzes will be based on the homework. They will be a quiz every
Tuesday except on September 15, October 20 and November 17, which are the
dates of the midterms. You should expect to spend at least 4 hours
a week on the homework.
Grade: The formula for the course grade is roughly
as follows:
final exam = 32 %
3 midterms at 20 % each = 60%
quizzes, homework, class participation etc = 8%
Dates of midterm exams September 15, October 20
and November 17
Final exam 12/11/2009 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM in EVRT-165
(this is a non combined final)