Course page:
Office Hours: TBA and/or by appointment
Class meets:
Text: Mathematical Thinking: Problem
Solvings and Proofs, second edition, Prentice-Hall, 2000, by
D'Angelo and West (recommended, not required)
We will try to cover Chapters 1-4, 6-8, 10, 13-15, 18.
Homework: Homework problems are to be assigned
once a week. They are due on Friday of the following week in class.
No late homework will be accepted. You may turn in you homework
earlier. If you want put your homework early in my mail box, let me know
in advance.
You should expect to spend at least 4 hours a week doing
homework and going over class notes.
Grade: The formula for the course grade is roughly
as follows:
There will be NO CURVE
However, if you final exam score is higher than the course average, I
reserve a right to bump up your course grade. On the other hand, you
have to pass the final to pass the course.
homework 3 solutions
homework 4
homework 4 solutions
homework 5
worksheet 2
homework 6
homework 7
homework 8
homework 9
homework 10
homework 11 solutions
review problems for 2nd midterm
review problems for the final
review material for the final
Cauchy sequences
Last modified: Thu May 1 15:04:51 CDT 2008