Syllabus for Math
390, Spring 2013
Symmetries in mechanics
Professor: Eugene Lerman
Office: 336 Illini Hall
Phone: (217) 244-9510
email: lerman( at )math. uiuc. edu
(the best way to contact Eugene Lerman)
Home page:
Course page:
Office Hours: see my calender and/or
by appointment
Class meets:
W 11-12 am, 336 Illini Hall
Prerequisites: 416h or 423, preferably both.
Text book: Stephanie F. Singer,
Symmetry in mechanics
The plan is to read the whole book.
Other useful books to look at:
Darryl D. Holm, Tanya Schmah, Cristina Stoica ; with solutions to selected exercises by David C.P. Ellis
Geometric mechanics, and symmetry : from finite to infinite
Oxford texts in applied and engineering mathematics ; 12.
N.M.J. Woodhouse,
Introduction to analytical dynamics [electronic]
Reyer Sjamaar,
Manifolds and differential forms lecture notes
You may also benefit from looking at the notes of Darryl Holm: