Math 467: Dynamical systems theory
Basic Information
- Instructor: Eugene Lerman
- Homepage:
- Course page:
- Office: 334 Illini Hall
Phone: 244-9510
- Office hours: MW 11-12 and by appointment
- Class meets: MWF 10 am
in 159 Altgeld Hall
A course in differentiable manifolds such as
Mathematics 423.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by e-mail.
Course outline
- Symplectic linear algebra.
- Basic examples of symplectic manifolds.
- Review of vector bundles.
- Lagrangian embedding theorem, applications.
- Classical Hamiltonian systems.
- Hamilton's principle, Euler-Lagrange equations, Legendre
transform, examples.
- Poisson bracket, complete integrability.
- A fast introduction to Lie groups and group actions.
- Symplectic group actions, symmetries of Hamiltonian systems.
- Coadjoint representation, coadjoint orbits.
- Moment map and its properties.
- Fiber bundles, basic forms, coisotropic reduction.
- Symplectic quotients.
- Completely integrable systems revisited, action-angle variables.
- Monodromy of the period lattice of the spherical pendulum.
- Stratified spaces, singular quotients.
- Application: stability of a symmetric top.
The official text is The structure of dynamical systems. A symplectic view of physics by J.-M. Souriau
Lecture notes of an old version of the course are available here pdf file
You may also wish to look at a set of notes by Ana Cannas
PostScript file
A new version of these notes should be available soon.
Recommended texts:
- Symplectic geometry and analytical mechanics
by P. Liebermann and C.-M. Marle
- Introduction to
Mechanics and Symmetry by J. E. Marsden and T. S. Ratiu
- Symplectic Techniques in Physics by V. Guillemin and
S. Sternberg
The course grade will be based on homework.
Homework will be assigned weekly. One problem per homework will be
Last modified: Tue January 18 2000