MATH 280. Advanced Calculus Section D1

Basic Information


Math 242 or Math 243 or Math 245, or equivalent (counts for advanced hours in LAS.) This section (&d1) is an honors section and requires 'A' grades in previous mathematics courses.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by e-mail.

Course outline

We will cover most of the textbook with particular emphasis on the last champter, chapter 6.


Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra and Differential Forms. A Unified Approach by J. H. Hubbard and B. Burke Hubbard.


The course grade will be based on weekly homework, two midterm exams and the final: homework = 25%, each midterm = 25% and the final = 25%.


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Last modified: Tue Aug 24 15:00:11 CDT