Syllabus for
Math 424, Section B, Spring 2024

Honors Real Analysis

Text book: M. Rosenlicht, Introduction to Analysis, Dover.

Course Syllabus: (see
Continuity, compactness and completeness underlie much of modern mathematics and its applications.
The course develops these concepts in the metric space setting, after which the fundamentals of
calculus are rigorously established.

Chapter 1 - omit
Chapter 2 - The real number system (2 hours)
Chapter 3 - Metric spaces (9 hours)
Chapter 4 - Continuous functions (6 hours)
Chapter 5 - Differentiation (4 hours)
Chapter 6 - Riemann integration (8 hours)
Chapter 7 - Interchange of limit operations (6 hours)
Leeway, quizzes, and exams: 8 hours

Academic Integrity

Campus police safety information. Plus a one page handout

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Last modified: Fri January 16 15:00:12 CST 2024